Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Thing (opinions sorely needed)

I really, really want to have a "thing." You know what I mean. I want to have something quirky that identifies me and is meaningful and could possibly even be considered cute or endearing.

I'd love to blog. a job. But how the heck do you do that? Seriously, if anyone knows how you get that gig, let me know. I'm totally interested.

Maybe about something clothes? But I'm jeans and t-shirts one day, leggings and flowy shirts the next, and loose cotton dresses the day after. Maybe some kind of fashion blog about rotating trends? Every day gets labeled something new? Weirder things have made successful blogs. Definitely an idea to keep in mind :)

I could cook, but I'd have to find a niche. Young mom/busy will-be nurse/wife of a bartender...I guess I could find something there. But I'd need an awesome camera (or at least help working mine correctly) to really document and show off what I'm making if I want to be successful.

I could do a "variety show" type blog. Cook one day, make an awesome drink the next, come up with a sweet outfit, write a story, do a cool craft with Logan and show it off, manage to take a cool picture for once in my life and share it. I think I like that idea. Opinions? I mean, the variety would have to be limited-ish, but I think that's my best bet so far.

There is one thing I've decided I'm GOING to do. It just came to me an hour ago. But it's super secret ;) Seriously, though, it won't even be something I'd be able to put online, but's it's an awesome idea and I'm so happy I thought of it.

A couple posts ago, I talked about how I can feel a huge life shift coming for me. I have no idea what it means or where it's going to take me, but it's coming. I want to detail it all. I want a record of it, and I want it to be fun and exciting to look at or read. I really want it to mean something. I just need a push toward it...and an outlet for it.

Any and all comments/advice/etc is greatly appreciated!


1 comment:

  1. I heard a story on NPR about a blog once. There was a girl who decided to wear every outfit and makeup style recommended in some issue of Seventeen magazine. She talked about wearing two layers of socks and sandal heels, lol. Here's the story I heard:

    Also, you can watch the movie Julie & Julia. It's about a successful blog written by a woman who tried to make every single recipe out of a Julia Child cookbook.

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
