So hey there. Once again, I have been remiss in my self-imposed blogging "duties" and haven't written since Thursday (well, technically Friday...after midnight sometime).
Wanna know how I remember? I know that I posted that recipe with the hot dog/beef/biscuit bake one night, I ate the leftovers the night after, and we left to go camping the morning after that. I basically keep track of my days based on what I ate when or when I last did laundry.
Why does the whole hallway smell like armpit and corn chips? Oh, that's's been like three and a half weeks since I washed any clothes.
Anyway, about a week ago, I decided I was going to do this one blog one night, tell this other story the next night, and then make this other recipe the third night. It was awesome. I had it all planned out and I was so proud of myself for my forethought, but then everything went in the toilet when the manager of our old apartment lied about a big refund we had coming and we got invited on a last minute camping trip with Andy's brother and his wife and their (FOUR) kids (along with our squirmy little one), and all of a sudden, oh hey, Kristen, I'm your blog...remember me? Don't you love me anymore?
That's right, boys and girls. My blog talks to me. Get over it.
I dare you to find someone whose mind is more scattered than mine right now. Seriously.
So the story I was going to write tonight is a story I've told fifty gazillion times, but usually I tell it in person, and have the luxury of the people I'm talking to being able to see my brilliant hand gestures which, I assure you, totally give the story a certain...something.
Annnnd therein lies my problem. I cannot force funny out of my fingertips tonight. Not even a little. So my brain is mush right now and I can't even manage to pry out of it a story that will probably remain etched in my mind forever and ever amen.
If you didn't get that last line, you don't listen to country music, and I say shame on you.
So anywhosies, if any of you out there in Readerland would do me the honor of commenting (you don't have to have your own Blogger account to "Follow"!) and giving me...anything. Encouragement?
Like I said, my brain is about 42% pudding and 33% residual child scream echo and the rest percent desperate, unrequited need for pizza at this moment.
Obviously I'm having insecurity issues and I'm like WAY FREAKING SUPER NEEDY.
Tell me I'm pretty and smart and funny, okay? Okay, thanks.
Also, if someone wants to bring me a pizza? That'd be way super great and I'd love you forever and do your taxes for the rest of forever, but only if you never want a return ever again and you'll probably get audited.
PS - I got a job today. Praise me for that, too.
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